best results in the photographic arena.The first point is how to hold your camera
when shooting.A proper position is to hold the grip steadily with one hand and hold
the bottom part of the lens with the other hand.If you wish to adjust the "joom ring",
hold the camera firmly with your right hand and turn the knob with your left hand.
The right way of holding the camera ensures maximum stability,which allows you
to take clear and defined pictures.It also optimizes the operational performance of
the camera.

upper body stable by placing your elbow on
your knee.
When using the LCD monitor to capture a picture,adjust the angle of
the lcd monitor to suit your shooting position.
When taking a shot from a higher position ,tilt the lcd monitor
downward to a approximate 40°

The next part is focus.Make sure the camera is focused on the right subject by looking through the view finder.There will be a indication superimposed on the picture to show that the subject is being focused.(like a red box)

If you want to a still picture from a movingobject,it would require a little bit of extra care.The picture on the left shows that the area around the subject appears sharper as compared to the subject because they are stationary,thus allowing a stable and sharp picture of the background.When an object is in motion,the camera is unable to do a detailed capturing of the subject and the blurry effect takes place.This happens,when taking a picture of a fast-moving car on the road.To explain this phenomenon,it goes like that—
The longer the shutter is left open,the more sensitivity it is to the movement.Even the smallest movement from the camera can cause the whole picture to become blurry.
There are three options to counter this problem : increase the shutter speed/ turn on the flash/ increase the ISO.You have to go through the setting option on your camera to fix this issue.For a quick guide,I am showing SONY DSLR setting here-
To increase the shutter speed :
a. Set your camera into "Shutter Priority Mode" by tuning mode dial to S
b. Rotate the control dial to increase the shutter speed.
To increase the ISO :
a. Press the ISO button
b. select the higher ISO value by using the controller button
c. By increasing the ISO, noise will be more noticeable in your picture
Ok,we have discussed some basics already.Now let's come to few problems when we finished with the shooting section.
Why are there dark spot on picture ?
Generally, dust has infiltrated inside the camera body and has settled on the image sensor that produces this result.This happens when we are changing lenses.

How to check the image sensor ?
To check whether there are dust particles on your image sensor,forllow the steps below(SONY DSLR)
1.Attach a lens to the camera

b) Set the focus to infinity.
c) Set exposure compensation to +1
d) Set to A mode,choose the smallest aperture,which will be f/22 or on some lenses f/32
3. Point your lens to a uniform source of light,enough to cover the whole picture ( for example
a window or the sky ) and take a photo.
4. Check the picture.If dark spots appear, you need to clean your image sensor.
Bear in mind that large apertures mean that dust is less visible.The dust particles will only appear visible starting from f/8 as they become visible.If spots appear in photos when using wide apertures, your image sensor may be damaged and need repair.
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